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School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan

To learn more about our SIT team and our School Improvement Plan check out the sections below!

  • Dan Miller, Principal

    Greg Kuhn, Asst. Principal

    Justin Poole, Asst. Principal

    Matt Russel, 6th Grade

    Jill Conley, 6th Grade

    Landy Solorzano, 7th Grade

    Sam Medeiros, 7th Grade

    Bethany Burroughs, 7th/8th Grade

    Angela Johnson, 8th Grade

    Brooke Parker, 8th Grade

    Anita Curry, 8th Grade

    Cheryl McCrorey, Library Media Coordinator

    Etaisha Wittenburg, Data Manager

    Tina Jordan, Intervention Specialist

    Anne Allen, Instructional Coach

    Parent, TBD

    Parent, TBD



  • Every year each MGSD school is required to present their School Improvement Plan for approval by the Board of Education.  School Improvement Plans are a framework for school progress. The plan, itself, is simply a map that identifies the school’s destination and requires both decision-making and action from a variety of stakeholders to reach that destination in the most direct route.

  • The School Improvement Team meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. 

  • North Carolina is now using NCStar for its district's School Improvement Planning. NCStar is a web-based tool that guides the school team in charting its improvement and managing the continuous improvement process. 

    The MGSD School Improvement Plans (SIPs) are housed in the NCStar/Indistar online platform. Please Below and enter the appropriate code and password for SBMS to access its SIP.  

    Indistar Link for SIP

    Indistar Login- GuestS20893

    Password- GuestS20893